Why Laughing is so good for you?

April 27, 2021
Why Laughing is so good for you?
Why Laughing is so good for you?

Everyone enjoys a good laugh firstly it makes us feel good, brightens our mood, and if in a bad mood helps lift that too. So let’s take a little closer look at why laughing is so good for you.

What’s the point in laughing?

Well there’s a few theories out there however one rings true to me. There are theories that say laughter serves as a social function – a way of connecting with others. A way of finding out if we could be accepted into a group and belong.

We are drawn to people who laugh and we laugh to attract others to us. Subconsciously we are looking for clues or feedback as to whether someone likes us. For example we make a joke and if the person laughs it tells us they like us.

Genuine or fake laughing

Like a built in warning system, we have the ability to detect who is being fake and who is being genuine. This may go back…way back to a mechanism for determining if someone was a threat or not.

Spontaneous or genuine laughter differs from fake or self-induced laughter, and is said to access different neural pathways. Spontaneous laughter often comes from stimulus – you see or hear something funny. Whereas fake or forced laughter, has a more physical effect (like exercising) and unlikely to give you all the happy feelings.

Laughing and your health

There have been a number of studies that show some health benefits to laughing too. Increasing oxygen, the release of endorphins (feel good chemicals), pain relief and of course reduce stress (reduces cortisol and adrenaline levels) – it’s pretty hard to be stressed out while you are laughing…even if only for a short time.

It has also been linked to improved immune system by increasing the number of some antibody producing cells and enhances T cells – all good stuff right!

Studies have also shown laughing can reduce stress, anxiety and depression.

How to get more laughter in your life?

The obvious answer is to just laugh more right, it’s free, there are no side effects, you can do it anywhere, and it only takes a few minutes a day.

Another option is to watch more things that make you laugh, and I mean that tear producing belly type laughing. Spend more time with friends who make you laugh.

If the above don’t tickle your fancy there is always ‘Laughing Yoga’ – yes it’s a real thing and more and more places around the world are embracing it.

Failing all those maybe just watch the ‘laughing baby’ YouTube video – that always has me in stitches…no matter how many times I watch it.

Think about what makes you laugh hardest? Jot those down and rank them in order of chuckle to belly laugh.

One method for coming up with a list is to ask yourself – “What’s made you laugh recently?” or “How often do you laugh?”

Perhaps intentionally incorporating laughter into you daily life could work for you. Here is a little plan you could try.

Laughter prescription example:

  • Once a week – chose a day
  • Type of laughing – belly laughing
  • Set aside time – 30 minutes
  • What will you do – watch a favorite sit-com

Alternatively you could try a laughing yoga class – once a week

“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” – LORD BYRON

Flamboyant Romantic poet of the early 1800’s also a leader of the era’s poetic revolution

Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine - LORD BYRON
“Always laugh when you can. It is cheap medicine.” LORD BYRON

Why Laughing is so good for you? Well apart from the physical pluses there is more evidence of immediate emotional and psychological benefits associated with laughing. Simply put we just feel better when we laugh.

Contributing Writer at Nurturely
Phyllis is passionate about the field of mental health and well-being and a self development enthusiast.
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