Signs of Social Anxiety

March 8, 2021
Signs of Social Anxiety
Signs of Social Anxiety

What is Social Anxiety?

Social anxiety is typically described as a fear of situations where you think you will be judged negatively or your presence would make others uncomfortable.

Moreover if someone has an extreme fear of being embarrassed or humiliated. This is often referred to as someone suffering from social anxiety.

Social Anxiety Triggers

Common fears

  • Afraid of being uninteresting or boring
  • Appearing unintelligent or incompetent
  • Fear of embarrassment of yourself or others
  • Talking to others
  • Fear of being singled out, or spotlight focused
  • Anticipating the worst possible outcomes
  • Apprehensive about public speaking

Studies have shown sufferers of Social anxiety often experienced some kind of childhood trauma, namely bullying or sexual abuse. Additionally those that are affected tend to be females with symptoms appearing by the age of 23.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, several studies have shown a big increase in all age groups suffering from social anxiety and increased panic attack episodes.

Social Anxiety – Common Symptoms or Signs

  • Trembling or shaking hands
  • Blushed or red-faced
  • Noticeable sweating
  • Shaky voice
  • Feeling nauseous
  • Feeling lightheaded
  • Aching muscles
  • Headaches
  • Racing heart

Overtime social anxiety symptoms can change. However they often coincide with the amount of stress you are feeling at the time and can range from mild to severe social anxiety or panic attacks.

Harvard Metal Health published a Letter that shows Social Anxiety Disorder (social phobia) affects about 7% of Americans annually. However only about 50% ever seek help.

Often doctors prescribe medication as the research points to it being effective faster than other types of therapies like CBT. However studies have shown therapies like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) have many longer-lasting benefits.

Of course, some stress and anxiety is good for us. It’s there to keep us physically safe by alerting us to possible dangers. On the flip side when it interferes with our normal interactions i.e. School, work, and relationships that social anxiety becomes an issue.

There is always hope

So although social anxiety can have a real impact on our daily lives and relationships. There are ways to help manage and overtime eliminate it altogether from our lives.

Contributing Writer at Nurturely
Phyllis is passionate about the field of mental health and well-being and a self development enthusiast.
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