5 Tips for Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

September 28, 2020
5 Tips for Dealing with Imposter Syndrome
5 Tips for Dealing with Imposter Syndrome

Imposter Syndrome

Are you worried you will be found out as a fraud? Do you believe you just don’t measure up, a failure of sorts? Do you ask yourself these questions and feel this way even when you have significant evidence that says otherwise? These are common feelings for those suffering with imposter syndrome.

What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is believed to bore out of one’s core beliefs developed over time and towards one’s self-image, self-worth, and success.

It goes beyond the normal self-doubting and anxious feelings we can have from time to time, say in a job interview or delivering a speech, Imposter Syndrome can really impact someone’s quality of life.

IS makes people feel intellectually inadequate, unable to internally celebrate their achievements. It is tightly linked to low self-esteem and self-sabotaging behaviors. If left untreated it can lead to increased stress, anxiety, and even depression.

Imposter Syndrome is prevalent in academia and medicine as both not only require intelligence but the appearance of intelligence. It also appears for those groups who society has labeled as “little expectation to succeed”

Those that suffer from IS are often really hard on themselves and apply a great deal of internal pressure.

Typical Imposter Syndrome sufferer thoughts:

“I’m a fraud, I’m gonna be found out”
“That was just a fluke”
“Anyone could have won”
“I had help”
“It’s only through my connections”
“It was just my turn to be picked”
“Failure is not an option for me”
“This might work”

Tips for dealing with Imposter Syndrome

See the logic

Look back at a time where you overcame a stressful or anxious situation, where you had doubts but not only overcame those challenges but had a really good outcome.

Acknowledge your feelings

When you a feeling inadequate try to identify how you are feeling, articulate into words, and recognize that these are just feelings. Often just having self-awareness can elevate the internal pressure you are feeling.

Talk to someone

Whether it’s a friend, colleague, or professional. Often just the act of saying how you are feeling aloud can help, but also talking to someone can allow you to hear another’s take on the situation.

Acknowledge your accomplishments

This may mean physically looking at certificates, trophies, awards, promotion offer letters, or words of praise relating to a job well done.

Be realistic

Accept that nobody is perfect and things don’t always go to plan and that’s ok.

Imposter Syndrome can have such a negative impact on the quality of life you have, the joy you should be feeling from your successes. The good news is that there are ways that can help overcome and move forward to a more healthy happier life.

Contributing Writer at Nurturely
Phyllis is passionate about the field of mental health and well-being and a self development enthusiast.
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