5 Tips for Overcoming Overthinking

October 14, 2020
5 Tips for Overcoming Overthinking
5 Tips for Overcoming Overthinking


Almost all of us have had times where we can’t stop thinking about something, we end up overthinking situations, we analyze every minute detail trying to make sense of what has happened, what we could have done differently and that’s completely fine.

However chronic “Overthinkers” can spend most of every day ruminating. Thinking about something over and over is exhausting!

What is Overthinking?

Basically it’s when you replay something over and over again and focus on all the negative things that might happen.

Rumination – “a method of coping with negative mood and involves self-focused attention and repetitive and passive focus on one’s negative emotions”.

Too much rumination or overthinking however can lead to conditions like depression, anxiety, social anxiety, eating disorders, and often self sabotaging behaviors

Tips for overcoming overthinking


To change overthinking or negative self-talk we first need to be aware that we are overthinking in the first place


Once you are aware that you are ruminating or overthinking, try doing something highly engaging to break out of your thoughts. Intense exercise, brain puzzles, flicking a rubber band on your wrist, watching and exciting movie or sports match perhaps…really anything that will give you a safe and healthy shift in attention.

See it for what it is

If you are aware of your overthinking try to observe what is happening, what you are doing rather than on the overthinking. Rather instead of thinking about the thoughts think of the thoughts.

Schedule time to overthink

Strange I know however it has been suggested that by setting a dedicated time aside each day actually makes it easier to change course at any other time of the day you start to overthink because you know you have set aside a specific time to do that.

Talk to someone

Often simply talking to someone else can give you the perspective you need.

Rumination or overthinking is not necessarily a bad thing in fact most of us do it, it’s only a problem when it starts impacting your life or those around you in a negative way.

Contributing Writer at Nurturely
Phyllis is passionate about the field of mental health and well-being and a self development enthusiast.
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